Kennisbank > software > Import folders with files into your Domino webapplication with the Package Explorer

Import folders with files into your Domino webapplication with the Package Explorer

Ferdi Verlaan

Ferdi Verlaan

Manager OTC & NOC

If you are working with web/mobile frameworks like jQuery and jQuery Mobile, it would be great if you could just import the whole tree of files into the Domino Designer for your web application. Otherwise you will have to change the .css filepaths to images or fonts for example. There is a neat little trick in the Domino Designer for that:

In your Domino go to Window > Show Eclipse Views > Package Explorer

You can see a tree-like overview of your database, goto the folder ‘WebContent’ and then right-click on the WebContent folder and select ‘Import’

In the dialog select ‘File System’ and press ‘Next’

Select the folder which you want to import, select ‘Create selected folders only’ and ‘Press Finish’

You will now have a nice folder structure available for your Domino webapplication.

Ferdi Verlaan

Over de auteur

Ferdi Verlaan

Werkzaam bij AASHQ sinds 2005, beheert en inspireert Ferdi een team van uitstekende ontwikkelaars, systeem- en netwerkingenieurs.

Hij is bedreven in verschillende programmeertalen maar ook zeer kundig in zowel Windows (Server) als Linux-besturingssystemen.

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Ferdi Verlaan

Ferdi Verlaan

Manager OTC & NOC

Ferdi Verlaan

Ferdi Verlaan

Manager OTC & NOC

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